Shut up and follow the rules WE MAKE


Face-off. They tried insidiously to project some of the most idiotic rules, they employed “kapos” and call them influencers, they propagated and still do the population reduction, the love for animals and not for the people like your neighbours, your country man, your fellow human beings. They wanted, and still want the ultimate control. Their “humanitarian” foundations are providing funds used for buying integrity of so many people. We grant you money, you do what we want, at any time! Today is this tomorrow is something else, and you are programed to follow it. The casino economy of massive speculation provides nearly hundred times more paper money then the process of production of goods and services. They invented helicopter money and call it Quantitative Easing to sound professional for the unfortunate gullible masses. It is like showing the lollipop in the Amazon Jungle. And lollipop idea was working. However the thought of Abraham Lincoln that:

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time,” is becoming alive and it is spreading to the masses who are experiencing their common sense awakening.

The abuse of the people, their lives, their interests, their and their descendants future, everything human including feelings of love and compassion, projected by these looters is coming to an end. It is not near but the process have started and it is irreversible.

Fear is temporarily state of mind. However you promote it, however those maniacs are organising it, it will eventually produce the opposite reaction. Questions and more questions are being asked about the organisers and executioners of the policies of fear. The fear they were projecting for others is reaching them now. That fear of revelation of their inhuman, genocidal ideas that can and that will unite majority against them is becoming their constant. Unchangeable constant, as they also realize that there is no place in the universe where they can hide however they will become low profile and dissappear from the public eye. Simply, it will not happen. Not because the masses are powerful, but because the higher universal law is unbeatable. They try to force the nature to do something and at the end that something is becoming just and simply a boomerang.

The idea of the “golden billion,” that the looters want to reduce to five hundred million but are still afraid to say it openly is not going to work. In hundred to hundred and fifty years time we will have nearly twenty billion people living on this beautiful planet. You might say but who cares as we are living NOW!? That is another trappy way they use to confuse you. To live for today, and today only, thus not caring about the future and not being interested to learn the real and not cunningly propagated history, based on their rules and “facts.” To say it again and you can find it by your self. Actually to ask some questions that were asked by someone else 115 years ago.

“Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of the people?”

“NOOO,there are no more effective means known to humanity.”

Then 114 years ago another question is asked: ” How do we involve our country* in the war?”

*The term “our country” is the term we used as in the original question the particular country has been mentioned.

The answer was: In order for that to happen”we need to control the foreign department” of our country. The objective has been set to take the diplomatic machinery of that particular country.

The rest as they say is history. However that history has been made by particular people, some of whom, at crucial places, were taught and were teaching others that “In the politics it’s the first move, firmness, resolution, a clear-cut goal that matter. The rest the future will forgive us.” The above statement is used in one of the old series to explain the move to negotiate separately in 1945 with Nazis without informing the Allies. That kind of ideas of the “first move” brought elimination of many visionary, common semsed leaders, who wanted to clear the air and pursue an independent policy based on balance of interests and always having in mind THE FUTURE OF MAN KIND!

More you will have in our upcoming essays.

In the mean time, take care, use YOUR INTUITION, and research. It is always the best to find out about the events by yourself.

To finish this part below is the quote from president Nixon letter to president Clinton of March 1994. It says a lot. The whole letter you can find it HERE.

“Dear Mr. President,

I am sending this report to you directly rather than through State Department channels because I learned during my years in the White House that the best decisions I made, such as the one to go to China in 1972, were made over the objections of or without the approval of most foreign service officers. If you have not already done so, you will find that foreign service officers are seldom ignorant, but almost always arrogant. When they see a report from an outsider, they invariably react saying, “We knew that. There is nothing new in it.” Or, at the other extreme, “This is interesting, but we want to study it”…which they proceed to do until is forgotten. I would urge you always to remember that foreign service officers get to the top by not getting into trouble. They are therefore more interested in covering their asses than in protecting yours. In that spirit, I submit the following conclusions after my trip…”


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September 4th, 2023

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