Déjà vu – Already Seen


War! And

Constant War!

Now we have a new one. While Ukraine is still going on we got a try in Serbian province of Kosovo&Metohija to start something that could ignite major war, and as it was opposed and, up to now,successfully dealt with, the events happening in Middle East started. The stage is set, but, even the directors this time are not certain where will this go as many Governments have lost power of strategic policy projections, because the interests of the corrupt groups, that have their roots in , at least, last 200 years of our civilization history, are promoted. Useful idiots with double edged swords are being used.

It was early 1860s and America Civil War.

Russian Navy Squadron visited New York in 1863 to show Tsar’s Alexander Romanov II perseverance for the preservation of unity of the American States. Foreign Minister of the Russian Empire Alexander Gorchakov wrote in 1862 to Bayard Taylor, secretary of the U.S. embassy in St. Petersburg: “Russia desires above all the maintenance of the American Union as one indivisible nation,”

After that, the President Lincoln was assassinated on April 15th, 1865 as Conspiracy Practitioners were nervous and in rush to get rid of the men with integrity, humanity and vision! Again useful idiots have been used. Never trust the stories after! Never. All are planted one way or another by the same Conspiracy Practitioners.

Coincidentally or not, the support given to President Lincoln and to the unity of the United States of America costed the Tsar Alexander Romanov II his life as on 13 March, 1881, Alexander II, the Emperor of Russia, was assassinated in Saint Petersburg, “while returning to the Winter Palace from Mikhailovsky Manège in a closed carriage.”

Message is clear. Conspiracy Practitioners never forget…. Like with Tsar Nicholas Romanov II and his entire family, or JFK, or FDR?, or, you name it!

We should be aware that useful idiots are always ready to act and that the beauty of it is that they thing that it is their idea! That will bring us to mind control exercised by education process, planed and processed by the same groups.

That can also bring us to one of the conclusions of the 1953/54 Special Committee of the House of Representatives to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations, mentioning the concept of “Social Engineer,” and techniques of control. “It already suggests that our traditional concepts of freedom as the function of natural and constitutional law has already been abandoned( nice word – abandoned) by the “social engineer” and brings to mind our native fear of controls-however well intended.” To emphasize “the seeming indispensability of control over human behaviour.”

About the findings you will read more in the upcoming book, however, one astonishingly important thing is about the methods used. I will not reveal here who said to whom what, but will let you have some expressions used.

The first one catching my eyes is following part of one statement from 1953/54:” … all of us who have a hand in the making of policies here have had experience operating under directives, the substance of which is that we shall use our grant-making power so to alter life” of one “that it can be comfortably merged with” another.”

Methods never change, however even if the plan has not been successful, it is still in motion.

“We are now at the year 1908,” but as you will see any year after can be the 1908. The very same methods were used and are still being used. They are, interestingly, becoming over used and nearing their expiry date, but not without putting a fight! You can see it everywhere. Or you are still blind?

The question asked to be answered by the same group of creatures that were definitely drunk from thinking of the importance they had at that moments was: “Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people?”( references can be found in the book Conspiracy Practitioners(The Last 200 Years)

The answer was: NO!

So, the second question in the year 1909, and the year 1909 can be any year after that including 2023 was: “How do we involve the United States in a war?”

And further and even more astonishing, the presidents are warned not to stop the war too quickly!

Dear fellow human beings,

Behind the answer to this question lay the truth of why and by whom so many lives have been sacrificed, and are continuing to be sacrificed, including the lives of many Americans.

In order to make and promote war many alternations needed to be done, as many people corrupted, and as many grants given. The rest is not history! It is a present moment created by the methods of history! The methods of Conspiracy Practitioners.

‘And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind is closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and do it gladly so.’
William Shakespeares Julius Caesar

October 12, 2023



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2 responses to “Déjà vu – Already Seen”

  1. rhodi0976 Avatar

    Most of the time, wars are being stagged to divert one issues to another, to confuse people, to scare people.. neverending wars, neverending sacrifices, neverending death of innocent lives.. it will never end ’til greediness resides in their heart.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. philosophyofgoodnews Avatar

    Oh, if it was only greediness, it would be easy to deal with it. But it is not. It is never ending thirst for tragedy as a tool of subjugation.


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