Believe It Or Not, We Are All In The Same Boat

Believe it or not, we are all on the same boat. Are we?

When Intuition is replaced with Instincts Arrogance appears. Arrogance destroys people. Arrogance destroys souls. Bad karma awakes and it takes a lot of strength and patience for the soul to be cured and to start functioning again. Soul of one as well as the soul of one nation. Especially difficult situation arise for the nation that is built on lies. What is crucial to mention IS that no-one and no nation is exceptional and no-one is higher than someone else. There are no chosen people. There are only children of God. That’s all of us. The ones who do not think that way are those whose souls departed their body, who became so arrogant and full of insane judgment against all that do not think like them. Those who try to justify unimaginable atrocities and do not have the guts to accept it and ask for forgiveness. They can be recognised by their threats and their extreme ideas. This of course does not distinguish the religion or ethnicity as it goes for all that treat the human life as number. FOR ALL.

“During a live interview on Russia’s state-run broadcaster RT, Israeli lawmaker Amir Weitmann threatened to make Moscow “pay the price” for allegedly supporting the Palestinian resistance in Gaza. (Click for watching the statement). Interesting comments also….

“We’re going to finish this war. We’re going to win because we’re stronger. After this, Russia will pay the price. Believe me, Russia will pay the price,” Weitmann, the head of the libertarian caucus in Israel’s ruling Likud Party, told the RT news anchor.

“Russia is supporting the enemies of Israel, Russia is supporting Nazi people who want to commit genocide on us, and Russia will pay the price […]. We are going to finish with these Nazis, we’re going to win this war […] we’re not forgetting what you are doing […] we will come, we will make sure that Ukraine wins, we will make sure that you pay the price for what you have done,” the close ally of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued.

This speech is reflecting a complete catastrophe and it is disgrace for the wisdom of the Jewish people, who contributed with never to be forgotten deeds in the whole of western civilization. Numerous organisations with the prefix “world” and “federal” were established all directly or indirectly introducing credit, debt, fiat money, and many other financial instruments like futures etc… It is a contribution that will forever stay as a sign of Goy greed and Jewish intelligence that unfortunately raised to narcissism. In The Good Shepherd movie there is one statement that reflects the above statement- it goes: ” Joseph Palmi (Joe Pesci): “Youse are the guys that scare me. You are the people who make the big wars. . .Let me ask you something. . .we Italians, we got our families, and we got the church; the Irish, they have the homeland, Jews their tradition; even the niggers, they got their music. What about you people, Mr. Wilson, what do you have? Edward Wilson (Matt Damon): “The United States of America. The rest of you are just visiting.” And YOU are visiting whatever influence you might think you have anywhere.

However, “since the start of the Gaza-Israel war, the Russian government has continuously called for a peaceful resolution. This week, the nation drafted a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. However, Israel’s western allies( read corrupt) struck it down…”

However, one voice is not enough. There is a history that is never to be forgotten. That recent history is presented to us by a remarkable Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn two volume historical essay “Two Hundred Years Together,” English translation of all the chapters can be found for free on the internet.

Deeply hope that below words will find a way towards all the souls and help them to awake the innate humanity in all of us!

Please follow the link.

And coincidence…as someone was looking for the exit strategy from somewhere and found a scapegoat in someone….Do not forget that preparations need time…

July to September…. and then here we are.

“In their closed-door session, Biden urged Netanyahu to take “immediate measures to improve the security and economic situation” in the West Bank, according to a White House readout. The president also discussed the goal of normalizing relations between Israel and other Middle Eastern nations and welcomed the deepening U.S.-Israeli collaboration on technology, the White House said.

“Even where we have some differences, my commitment to Israel, you know, is ironclad,” Biden said before the meeting. “I think without Israel, there’s not a Jew in the world who is secure. Israel is essential.” That might, just might be a way to subtle say- Do The Opposite.

Plus if you get into your mind this “Israeli military censorship hides the truth from you.” Still, it looks like that the master has given ok and Margarita started dancing… ( The Master and Margarita is the famous novel of Mikhail Bulgakov)

Lets examine some other methods…

then this…

As we are enslaved by the insanity, God help us ALL! THE EMPHASIS IS ON THE WORD ALL! will be publishing very soon some pieces of history which will be enhanced with the remarks of the witnesses that have been somehow “forgotten” or better put aside never to be mentioned. From 1913 onwards. Will that help? Yes! Absolutely yes! It will help for naive people to start thinking and distinguishing between genuine human beings and scoundrel who just act as people who care. Those only care for their comfort and their comfort only, even changing their names and religious beliefs any time when they face revelations about the atrocities made by them or in their name.

Preparing for World War Three Is Better With The Coffee! So, Your Support will be Highly Appreciated!

November 3rd, 2023

Connect with Respect






One response to “Believe It Or Not, We Are All In The Same Boat”

  1. mywordisme Avatar

    The Fundamental Human Principle

    According to science, we are the only extant species of humans on the planet, and we are all the same thing. This is the Fundamental Human Principle (FHP). Just a few decades ago, well-intentioned people had to believe that, without scientific proof. For instance, before the FHP, it was only a belief that Black Africans were the same as White Europeans. But now we know it’s been proven scientifically.

    What benefit is the FHP? It can provide us with a basis for morality.

    I mean “morality” without any modifier. Since the FHP is so basic, a morality based on it is the only true morality since true morality must be universal to all humans. There’s only “morality.”

    In the world now, we see homespun moralities, and now with the FHP, we see that any homespun morality is false morality. For instance, Jewish morality, or Torah morality are false morality. Christian morality is false morality. Buddhist morality is false morality. White morality is false morality. So is Black morality or Arab morality. Rich people’s morality is false morality. Tribal morality is false morality.

    With the unprecedented scientific fact of the FHP, we now finally have a choice to establish true morality among humankind. Will we rise to the challenge?


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