Faceless “Western World” System

The states became an instrument for the interests of a small group who are controlling huge portion of the world capital. The so-called leaders of, especially so-called western part of the world, are dwarves that are not capable of seeing the processes strategically, and if they by some miracle see some of the processes clearly, they are immediately reminded by the “faceless” group to go back to the “blind mode,” and stay there as long as it is needed! Corruption is new normal. If one is corrupted in any way, then and only then is suitable for the decidion making position. That makes all of those look like “Karagiozis” a popular shadow puppet. They dance and move as others are demanding. They do follow their masters demand obediently, sometimes trying to get some attention organising a kind of circus, like different name summits, theatres, etc.. In vain! The “Faceless” Group is so strong that it can crash any of those spineless dwarves. It is the same group the civilizations faces for thousands of years. It is not a joke at all. It is not “conspiracy theory,” it is conspiracy practice done by the sick conspiracy practitioners who are hedonists, lazy slave owners and servants of all that are at the time stronger, selling them as soon as they are in need of any help from someone else. They know how to beg also. They are great in selling philosophies of their suffering and never ever care about the suffering of others. As they are faceless, one can give them the face while reading this.

Russian leadership stated many times that they do not see the world without the existence of Russia sending message that in the case that if the process of destroying Russia starts the world will experience Armageddon. The same could be said about the group, not the governments, who rule the so-called western part of the world. The group who has all of those so-called leaders in their pocket! Those are mentioned by

, the USA President who was involved in many things he did not want to and influenced by the same characters as todays politicians and others are influenced. He said:

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

Mr. Wilson made decision to enter WWI thinking that it was his idea, and then prolong the WWI for certain issues to be resolved. His friendship with “Colonel” Edward House was well known. Also his meetings with Mr. Bernard Baruch were examined by then chief of the Secret Service Mr. William J. Flynn in his article in the Liberty Magazine june 1928, with the title “Tapped Wires,” “Listening in” at Washington in the Tense Days of 1916. You will read more about legendary Mr. William J. Flynn here very soon!

Fast forward to 2023.

In his 2023 Valdai speech Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin, rightly we would add, mentioned that the “world strategic thinking is being replaced with corrupt interests of certain groups, not even governments.” Continuing with “seem that they have forgotten that things like compromise and mutual understanding actually exist,” and ” that their only intent is to force using any means,” concluding with the Russian Leadership message and decision “If this is their choice, ok, we will see what comes out of it.”

He continued further by mentioning “political “elites” of the so-called western world, “who are responsible” for the current state of the world, and “do not have any shame,” using universal principle that “whatever we do, life will introduce its own corrections.”

On the other side of that so-called “western” world, there are no visionary statements, strategic projections about the progress, as it looks like no one of those dwarves are allowed, or worst, capable, to rise just for a while and see the things and project clearly! We can not hear the statements that will promote the only way that we as humanity can proceed without Armageddon and that is “open, interrelated world that no one will create artificial barricades, where ” the diversity of the world will not only be preserved but also to be encouraged!”

The group has its members, who have names and who come from some of the ethnic groups. Most of them, if not all, think that they are exceptional, or God forbid and make me wrong, chosen people.

Maybe the beginning of the below statement was wrong and the things will change as the attitude is changing!

“And in all eternity nothing will change,” he proceeded, “so far as the attitude of the them toward our kings and our leaders is concerned. To destroy our kings is their eternal aim, and when they can’t accomplish this by force, then they will use cunning. Whenever we have a strong leadership, they are obliged to keep their noses clean. Our leadership can be truly strong, however, only if it is based completely in our people; only if it concerns itself with the welfare of the least among them just as much with that of the wealthiest of them; only if, in the firm conviction of its own worth, it bars every alien influence from the beginning; only if it is not merely national, but is also social, down to its very bones. No matter what others may say, I assert this: a time will come when all the elite nations of the world will have such a leadership and then everyone will be astonished to see that, instead of grating on one another as has previously been the case, they will treat one another with respect and consideration. For then there will be no more whipping up of land greed, of an itching for power, of suspicion – sentiments which exist in unmixed form only in the isolated few, and not in the more trusting general populace, anyhow.”

The quote is from and old book of for me the unknown author, as the notes I have do not mention it, so please excuse that. The meaning is very deep and reflects many things of today also.

“Our Kings” have been destroyed or bought, or blackmailed by them. Then we got the democracy and “we the people,” which is being destroyed as, so to say, as we speak, and infront of our eyes. Corruption is the key! Eliminate corruption, blackmail, and power of issuing money out of thin air by private interests, and the problem, the civilizational problem that would and will cost us all our lives will be solved. Its easy! But it just looks difficult as the “faceless” group made it to look difficult giving you some meat with the bones to sweeten you and make you think that you have a chance to become one of them. Poor people. YOU WILL NOT! YOU WILL BE WIPED OUT JUST LIKE THE REST OF US AS SOON AS THEY GET THEIR WAY!

At the end of all issues, there is always one to one meetings! The superiority of the intellect of one and corruption of the other can decide our destiny! When I say superiority, doesn’t mean that superior will crash the other but on the contrary superior will protect the other from himself thus determine the way for peace and prosperity. However, if the other is corrupted all his life there is no way to find peace. In that case we will be experiencing Armageddon.

That is why before you decide who is your candidate first research the history, then measure his INTEGRITY and HUMANITY! Never think that it can not be done! IT CAN BE DONE! THE GROUP IS STILL POWERFUL BUT IT IS NOT CHOSEN, NEITHER IT IS WITHOUT LIMITS.It is still possible to make the change that will leave us to work, to produce, to live lives like ordinary and fulfilled human beings, respecting others who really respect us!

Even if you find these words “Pathetic” or not, with some “grammar issues” or not, “ridiculous prose” or not one is certain! The times are challenging and the “faceless group” is insane. Gorbachev showed his greatness in one but crucial matter! He did not press rhe button of Armageddon! No one can bet on what these insane creature are capable of doing! Lets overcome this existential danger and then we can go into everything else, with pleasure!

While thinking about civilizational sinking maybe the coffee treat will beat the bad and introduce positive thoughts! We have the future! Thank you beforehand for your support! Means a lot!

November 7, 2023



Connect with Respect



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2 responses to “Faceless “Western World” System”

  1. rhodi0976 Avatar

    The boat is sinking. These faceless creatures making a hole little by little to submerge the boat and the naive are going to be drown.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. philosophyofgoodnews Avatar

      Oh yes! The issue is not to take whole world with them! They can go bye bye but without us as victims.


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