Can the drive for destruction be cured?

Before judging anything and anyone one needs to know what is the ultimate goal of that person, that group, that nation and those people.

And if one comes to the conclusion, after examining many different events occurred in recent as well as ancient history, that goal was and still is, beyond the world domination, the annihilation of the world, then one finds himself in the position to ask the question: what is to be done?

Further, it is logical to expect that those pursuing the annihilation of the world must war down all the rest of mankind, and also persuade themselves, in order to prepare a paradise on earth. Ofcourse for themselves accompanied with foreign slaves called house helpers, that would not be allowed to eat from the same plate as masters and would be kept in the places 2×2 meters in the basements. That IS already happening, and complaints are spreading all over the world. Like it or not, the real stories always find a way to be shared with humanity. That’s what was the idea of Nikola Tesla. Good idea.

If or better when they have made themselves believe that only them are capable of this task, and, considering their ideas of paradise, they put the plan in motion. Now or never or forever and ever… Ofcourse always using unsuspected “useful idiots,” like the one who assasinated the Grand Duke Ferdinand on June 28th 1914, and became a cause of the WWI, when they got declaration they wanted. In that war called GREAT( even that is a sign you should comprehend) there were around 40000000- forty million “useful idiots,” that died, including the Czar Nicholas Romanov who was another example how those who indulge themselves in self-deception get the bullet in their and theirs whole family heads. And it is not enough. They organise every November 11 the Armistice Day… The humanity should organise the “Disaster Contractors” Day to remember which, why and how organised wars and then laugh with all of the humanity.

Then the ones who can still clearly see, notice, if only in the means which they employ, that they are secretly driven to something else. That is why they are called “the dregs of mankind.” Violines or piano or anything else is a great cover for the rest not to get their true nature. But in vain, as universe does not forget even if we, most of us forgive.

And further, the true nature is presented by them in their books where some chapters are hard to find now. Oh, the mankind would be absolutely astonished with the “culture” promoted. Unfortunately it is so disgusting that it can not be mentioned here. What to expect after all those name and religion changes… So unfortunate. Here we count on all those whose consciousness is still undisturbed, from which ever part of the world they come. All those that respect others and are willing to help our common ship called Earth sail safely.

For the others who pretend to themselves to be elevating mankind, and instead torment men to despair, to madness, to ruin, the message is either change or depart from our voyage. So this, as you could assume, can be explained as the voyage on a ship.

Let’s say that in that ship you have all of different nations of the world. While the majority is occupied with navigation and sailing the ship, that one group of , as they say, “chosen people,” plunder the store room and bore holes in the hull. If a halt is not ordered, they will destroy all men, including them. Their nature compels them to that goal, even though they fuzzily realize that they must thereby destroy themselves. However due to thousands of years of indoctrination and complete brainwashing, there is no other way for them; they must act thus. This realization of the unconditional dependence of their own existence upon that of their victims appears to be the main cause for their collective hatred. It is when they are obliged to try to annihilate us with all their might, but at the same time to suspect that that must lead inevitably to their own ruin. Therein it lies. their tragedy- many say the tragedy of that one who rebelled against God , the “bearer of light” or “morning star.”

So, what is to be done?

The first and foremost is to halt, to stop all atrocities. Then it is a must to bring to justice all involved in the massacre of innocent civilians, children, women, older. From all sides. All sides. No one has a licence to kill! No one. And no one should hide! One corrupted psychopath, and there are many of those “one” from each side, can not revenge anyone. On the contrary, that can destroy those that they are pretending to defend. Once tragedy needs to stop. Better before Armageddon. However the message for those wishing for Armageddon is clear. The Cosmic Hierarchy is the one to fix all the disputes of the clean and opposite souls. Simple it is. Just it is made artificially complicated and is always judged by the same contractors, throughout the history. Those who falsely think that they are “chosen.”

Well, you can chose 🙂 a cup of coffee donation. It will be highly appreciated. Thank you!

November 9, 2023


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